A geo-enabled register of the ownership and extent of land and property in England & Wales
Cadastre provides authoritative, accurate and up-to-date Ordnance Survey and HM Land Registry data.
Available in both SaaS or DaaS subscription models, you can consume Cadastre via our API within a web browser or your organisation’s own GIS (desktop or web), to visualise, query, filter, analyse and report.
Your organisation can manage and de-risk reporting of its own assets, and understand its neighbours’ assets, continuously updated on a monthly schedule. Other layers can be overlaid to analyse risks and opportunities, such as flooding, protected sites, and proximity to any other mapped feature or asset.
HM Land Registry data from the National Polygon Service provides Title Plan boundaries with Title No, Tenure (Freehold/Leasehold), Registered Dates, UPRNs, Flood Risk and other information. Full details are provided for Commercial & Corporate property including Proprietor Name and Address.